Archive: Sep 2018

  1. Tree Trimming and Tree Pruning – How Do They Differ?



    tree trimming and pruning


    Mature and growing trees abound in almost every neighborhood across the country. If the proper care procedures are not regularly observed by homeowners, they could cause serious injury to their property and the trees themselves could end up in poor form and health. Most of them may need some trimming and some may require serious pruning. But what really is the difference between these two?

    Many homeowners, even some tree services contractors just use these two terms interchangeably. Strictly speaking however, trimming and pruning are actually different, albeit closely related, processes.

    You may think of tree trimming as “grooming” or shaping it according to a design you have in mind. You are more focused on the outer perimeter of the tree, removing most of the new growth of leaves or small branches on the tree’s external portion. Tree pruning on the other hand, is thinning out a tree to remove diseased limbs and dead branches. It usually involves cutting off of selected branches back to the new growth, to the larger branch, or to the main trunk itself.

    Simply put, trimming is more of a procedure done for aesthetic purposes, while pruning is done primarily for safety and health purposes. Pruning for safety reasons is when you cut off branches that could fall on a person or on a part of your home or property. Pruning a tree to maintain its health typically includes removing insect-infested or decayed branches and thinning out the crown for better air passage. You can also prune to promote fruit production in fruit-bearing trees, and stimulate blooming in flowering trees.

    The ultimate decision on whether a tree needs trimming or pruning would be dependent on the type of tree you have and the problems you may have with it. For more tree care tips, consult with a tree trimming or pruning contractor.


    Author: Andrew Johnson

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